As I see it....

Functional Complexity Cannot Evolve From Disorder By Chance!

I don't need a gun.... I have 9 1 1

Oh, how sweet it is, to be educated beyond one's intelligence and to be willingly ignorant...


 Luke 22:36

  New Book  -  Sailors, Whores, and Officers' Wives...

When men were men, the women were straight and the chrome was thick.  Before political correctness had been invented.








Please Oh Please!  Don't tell Pastor Robert, that I am an Instrument Flight Instructor....  He thinks I play a piano in Nick's house of ill repute up on the Eastern Shore.....

What ship she be, Bosn?  She be the "Pogo Maru," Cap'n.  With a hold full of boy butter and sacks of jelly beans, bound for Siam...

Set up on the Pogo Maru...  We'll shoot a spread of three Mark 16-8's.  125% coverage.  Using the check bearing method.  Checking  bearing on the second unit.  We'll shoot MOT-AFT-FORWARD.  Zero gyros.  Set running depth 16 feet.  Enabling 10,000.  Circle left.  Initial observation number 2 scope.  UP SCOPE.  Bearing MARK!  Range MARK!  Angle on the bow PORT 40...   SET!!!

Final bearing and shoot.... UP SCOPE.  Bearing MARK!  SET!  SHOOT! FIRE!

Number 1 fired electrically.  Hot... Straight....  and NORMAL!!!

The Big "C"

The root cause of today's problems

Why our so-called evangelical church leaders have lost the war.  These jerks in their $2,000 suits and $500 shoes have compromised the Holy Bible to secular humanistic evolutionary thinking (millions of years).  They say God could have used evolution in his creation.  This is contrary to anyone's position who has a Biblical world view.  Evolution requires death and dying as one of its presuppositions.  The Bible clearly teaches that death is a direct result of Adam's sin.  Adam and Eve could not have evolved!  They were created on the sixth day of creation week about 6,000 years ago by a loving Triune God in a perfect world without sin.


The Big Threat...

Today, our country's esteemed elite ruling class (from all political parties) are more threatened by a narrow-minded, bigoted, intolerant, fundamentalist Christian hyper-conservative Biblical Creationist than a so-called peaceful demon-possessed Haji-Baba who will cut off your head in a heartbeat and put it on a stick ! ! ! 


Some Tenets of Humanism

 ‑Believes in an intellectually superior “Ruling Class,” whose religion is atheistic secular humanism based on evolution as fact not theory.

 ‑Believes that anyone with a Christian Biblical world-view is a “willful ignoramus”.

 ‑Denies the deity of God, the inspiration of the Bible, and the divinity of Jesus Christ.

 ‑Denies the existence of the soul, life after death, salvation and heaven, damnation and hell.

 ‑Denies the biblical account of creation.

 ‑Believes that there are no moral absolutes, no right, no wrong‑‑that moral values are self‑determined and situational.  Do your own thing, "as long as it does not harm anyone else."

 ‑Believes in removal of distinctive roles of male and female.

 ‑Believes in sexual freedom between consenting individuals, regardless of age, including premarital sex, homosexuality, lesbianism, pedophilia, bestiality and incest.

 ‑Believes in the right to abortion, euthanasia (mercy killing), and suicide.

 ‑Believes in equal distribution of America's wealth to reduce poverty and bring about equality.

 ‑Believes in control of the environment (Hoax of Global Warming), control of energy and its limitation.

 ‑Believes in removal of American patriotism and the free enterprise system, disarmament and the creation of a one‑world socialistic government. 

Ref: Humanist Manifesto I, II, & III

Remember the words of Nellie.... "Holy Spirit no give it diploma...."



